Level 2 COVID-19 Guidelines
What are the Level 2 COVID-19 guidelines that will apply to Northern Suburbs Netball competition?
If you are unwell you must stay home - no excuses! No one should be participating (or leaving home) if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, awaiting test results, or if required to self-isolate.
NSN will be displaying QR codes for the NZ COVID Tracer app. Please use the QR code when arriving at the courts.
Please use the sanitiser available on entry and exit of our venues.
There will be no public parking available on school grounds, including the Newlands Intermediate school grounds.
Teams are to warm up in the warm up areas (Basketball court for Intermediate courts, College Quad for College courts). Parents please move away from the warm up and maintain physical distancing requirements. (1 metre from people you know, 2 metres from people you do not know).
You can enter the court are 10 mins before your game time (and once the previous teams have vacated the courts). Please use the correct entry and exit gates at the college courts.
The Newlands Intermediate basketball court area will be closed off and will be used as awarmup area. This will also provide some more space for spectators should they wish to maintain some social distancing.
To ensure we adhere to gathering size requirements (100 people per 2 courts), only 1 spectator per player allowed at the courts.
Team managers please keep a contact tracing record of all players, team management, umpire, spectators for each game and ensure this is handed to your school delegate each week. This is in addition to scanning in with the QR code. Please note game time, opposition, and court number so we can easily trace people if required. The contact tracing records needs to be submitted to your school delegate by 5pm every Monday.
Teams are to sanitise all balls, and only the match ball can be out of bags in the court area. Equipment should be sanitised before and after each game and practice.
Year 3 and 4 teams are required to provide their own bibs and ball. Please contact Amanda if you have any issues with this.
Score keepers (there should always be one designated person per team standing together) - please provide your own pen/pencil.
Spectators - please only stand in the designated areas and ensure physical distancing of 1 or 2 metres as required. Can team managers please assist the committee to ensure this happens.
Spectator Area Maps
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